目的对云南省昆明市五华区肢体残疾患者进行抑郁心理的横断面研究,了解肢体残疾患者的抑郁的状况及阳性检出率,并发现某些影响因素的线索,为社区对肢体残疾患者的抑郁心理康复的干预措施研究提供依据.方法本次采用"症状抑郁自评量表(SDS)"和自制的"昆明市五华区残疾人基本情况调查表",对昆明市五华区中的具有当地户籍,并持有《中华人民共和国残疾人证》的肢体残疾患者进行面对面调查.结果在1 660名肢体残疾患者中存在抑郁的有889名,抑郁阳性检出率为53.55%;抑郁症状出现最多的为精神运动性,其次为抑郁心理障碍,再其次为躯体性障碍,最后为精神性-情感症状.单因素分析发现:肢体残疾患者的抑郁阳性检出情况在不同民族之间存在差异,不同性别、不同年龄组及不同户口性质之间不存在差异;可肢体残疾患者的抑郁症状因子表现在不同民族之间存在差异(P>0.05),不同性别及不同户口性质之间不存在差异.结论肢体残疾患者抑郁阳性检出率比普通人群高,同时比国内外的肢体残疾患者高;抑郁症状出现最多的为精神运动性,其次为抑郁心理障碍,再其次为躯体性障碍,最低的为精神性-情感症状.单因素分析发现:肢体残疾患者的抑郁阳性检出情况可能与民族有关,与户口性质、性别及年龄无关;可肢体残疾患者的抑郁症状因子表现可能与户口及民族有关,与年龄及性别无关.昆明市五华区肢体残疾患者的抑郁心理健康状况不容乐观,为社区对肢体残疾患者的抑郁心理康复工作提供线索.
Objective This paper makes a cross-sectional survey about mental depression in patients with disabilities of Wuhua district, Kunming, investigating the depression of patients and the relevant positive rate and discovering the factors, which provides some basis for the psychological therapy for mental depression of the patients. Methods A symptoms of depression self rating scale (SDS) and a self-designed questionnaire for the basic information were adopted in the thorough survey for the patients of physical disabilities who lived in Wuhua district and had the certificates of disabled. Results Of the 1660 patients with physical disabilities, 889 were found with depression and the depression positive rate was 53.55%. The psychomotor ability was the most frequent symptom. The mental depression disorders was the second and the somatoforrn disorders the third. The least frequent one was mental emotional symptom. Univariate analysis showed that for the depression positive rate, there were some ethnic groups differences and no age, sex and household types difference in the patients. For the depression symptom factors,there were ethnic groups and household types differences, no age and sex differences. Conclusion The positive rate of the patients in the survey was higher than the general population and the other domestic and overseas counterparts. The psychomotor ability was the most frequent symptom. The mental depression disorders was the second and the somatoform disorders the third. The least frequent one was mental emotional symptom. According to the uivariate analysis, the positive rate of the patients might be related to the ethnic groups, and might have no relationship with age, sex and household types. However, the depression symptom factors maybe connected with ethnic groups and household types and irrelevant with age and sex. In conclusion, the present mental health status of the patients with mental depression of Wuhua district, Kunming was not looking good and the paper provides some clues for the psychological rehabilitation therapy for the patients with depression.
Journal of Kunming Medical University