由于人为因素,订单出错是常有的事。采用计算机订单管理系统,能充分发挥计算机精准的特性及擅长处理大数据量的能力,保证处理过程的正确性。该系统基于B/S架构,使用面向对象C#语言和.net框架开发,并充分利用了.net的OO特性,结合MS SQL SERVER,在开发过程中运用多层结构的设计思想(表现层、业务逻辑层、数据访问层),是一个高内聚、低耦合的MIS系统,能有效的帮助企业实施企业信息化管理,节约运营成本。
Due to human factors, order errors are common. Using an Order management system, can give full play to the accurately calculating characteristics and the capabilities to handle massive data to ensure the correctness of the process. The system is based on B/S architecture, using object-oriented C# language and .NET framework, making full use of the OO characteristics of .NET, combined with MS SQL SERVER database, using a multi-layer design in the development process (presentation layer, business logic layer, the data access layer), is a high cohesion, low coupling MIS system that can effectively help companies implement enterprise information management, reduce operating costs.
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