
急性脑梗死侧支循环建立的神经影像学评估 被引量:34

Neuroimaging assessment of collateral circulation in acute cerebral infarction
摘要 急性脑梗死是神经系统的常见病和多发病,目前治疗的关键是恢复血流,挽救缺血半暗带。研究显示良好的侧支循环可减少梗死面积、改善预后。因而早期对侧支循环进行准确而完整地评估有着重要意义。随着现代影像技术的发展,为评估急性脑梗死侧支循环的建立提供了重要手段,文中就急性脑梗死侧支循环建立的影像学检查技术和方法作一综述,旨在为合理的选择影像学检查方法提供依据。 Acute cerebral infarction is a common disease of the central nervous system, the key of the current treatment is to restore blood flow and save ischemic penumbra .The studies have shown that good collateral circulation can reduce the infarction area, improve prognosis.Thus, an accurate and complete evaluation of collateral circulation in the early stage of disease has an important sig -nificance.The development of modern imaging techniques provides important means for the assessment of collateral circulation estab -lishment in acute stroke .In this paper, techniques and methods of the imaging examination of collateral circulation establishment in a -cute cerebral infarction and methods are reviewed, aiming to provide the basis for choosing reasonable imaging modality .
出处 《医学研究生学报》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第1期85-88,共4页 Journal of Medical Postgraduates
基金 国家自然科学基金(81261120571,30970823,31371007) 北京市科委首都市民健康培育项目(Z131100006813022)
关键词 急性脑梗死 侧支循环 影像学评估 Acute cerebral infarction Collateral circulation Imaging assessment
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