
SQL Server数据库的应用级持续数据保护系统 被引量:2

Application-Level Continuous Data Protection System for SQL Server Database
摘要 针对传统数据容灾系统备份窗口大、容灾等级低等问题,提出并设计了与SQL Server数据库相结合的应用级持续数据保护容灾系统.系统通过SQL Server提供的应用程序接口API,读取数据库事务日志变化,从而实时捕获数据库数据变化,将捕获的数据变化以日志的形式缓存并传送到异地进行操作重放,实现异地远程容灾.当发生灾难时利用心跳检测、IP浮动等技术进行远程异地接管;当发生误操作时可根据日志文件恢复到之前的任意时间点。 To solve the problems of traditional data disaster recovery system with large backup window and low disaster immunity, an application-level continuous data protection disaster recovery system combined with SQL Server database is introduced and designed. Application program interface provided by SQL Server is used to read the database transaction log file in the system, then date changes are captured online. The captured data change is recorded in log file and stored in cache-quene. It will be sent to other places to achieve remote offsite disaster recovery. When a disaster occurs, the system uses heartbeat detection, floating IP technologies to take over the broken system. When a malfunction occurs, the system can return to any time point according to the log file. So the system can effectively avoid data loss which caused by man-made or accident.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2015年第2期93-98,共6页 Computer Systems & Applications
关键词 事务日志 变动数据捕获 持续数据保护 容灾 transaction log file change data capture continuous data protection disaster recovery
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