
飞机QAR数据的空气污染物排放量计算研究 被引量:17

Calculating Aircraft Pollution Emissions Based on QAR Data
摘要 民用飞机发动机污染物排放量的准确计算是排放控制和环境影响评价的基础。文章采用机载QAR记录数据的飞行过程还原和污染物排放量计算方法,通过对QAR数据的内插均分计算、滤波处理和加权计算,得到比较准确的飞行记录数据,以还原飞行的具体情况;然后在ICAO基准排放指数基础上,给出基于温度、湿度、高度、表速和燃油流量等参数的修正方法,以得到实际的排放指数,最后再计算出各种污染物的排放量。基于建立的模型和航空公司QAR记录数据,用DELPHI编程计算了B737-700飞机执行"重庆—上海"航班的污染物排放量,并将计算结果与相同条件下的ICAO参考值进行对比,分析了各飞行阶段污染物排放量的变化情况。结果表明,计算方法准确,可作为飞机污染物排放控制和机场环境评估等研究的依据。 Accurate calculation of pollution emission for aircraft engines is the fundament of pollution control and environmental evaluation. The method of calculating the emissions was used based on QAR recorded data. Firstly,computing the accurate and credible flight data by using the interpolator sharing method, Kalman filter algorithm and weighted algorithm,then with the reference of ICAO emission model,a correction method was given on the basis of temperature,humidity,altitude,to indicate airspeed and fuel flow. Thus the actual emissions index was obtained and the emissions of various pollutants were calculated. Based on the QAR recorded data,the actual emission was calculated by DELPHI program for Boeing 737-700 flying from Chongqing airport to Shanghai airport,with the result compared with ICAO reference data in the same condition,and the change of pollutant emissions in different flight phases was analyzed. Results indicated that the method is accurate,which can be used as the reference for controlling pollutant emissions and evaluating aerodrome environment.
作者 李娜 魏志强
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期159-163,共5页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(U1333203)
关键词 环境污染 飞机排放 燃油流量 快速数据记录仪 environmental pollution emission of aircraft fuel flow quick access recorder
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