
效能父母系统训练课程:基础、观点与实效研究 被引量:4

Systematic Training for Effective Parenting:Theoretical Basis,Main Content and Empirical Researches
摘要 效能父母系统训练课程是一套提高父母教养能力的家庭教育课程。该课程以阿德勒的个体心理学、人本主义心理学和杜威的实用主义教育学为理论基础。其基本观点是:通过使用反映式倾听、第一人称信息和家庭会议等方式,建立良好的亲子关系;运用自然结果和逻辑结果等教育手段,消除儿童的不良行为。相关研究表明,该课程能够改善亲子关系,改进父母教养态度和教养方式,提高儿童的自我认识。 Systematic Training for Effective Parenting is a kind of parenting education curriculum of improving parenting ability. Its theoretical bases are Individual Psychology, Humanistic Psychology and Dewey' s Educational Theory. Its main content is that to use the methods of reactively listening, the first person message and family conferences to establish good parent - child relationship, and to use the methods of natural consequences and logic consequences to eliminate the children' s bad behaviors. Empirical researches show that the curriculum can improve parent - child relationship, parenting attitudes, parenting style and children' s self - knowledge.
作者 吴杰 郭本禹
出处 《全球教育展望》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期28-35,共8页 Global Education
基金 本文受到"江苏省2014年普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目(项目编号:KYZZ_0203)"的资助
关键词 效能父母 家庭教育 亲子关系 effective parenting parenting education parent -child relationship
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