
消费者嵌入式开放创新价值生成过程研究——基于消费类电子信息产品技术创新的视角 被引量:3

Research on the Value Generated Process of Consumer Embedded Open Innovation Based on the Perspective of Technology Innovation of Consuming Electronic and Information Products
摘要 消费类电子信息产品创新过程越来越重视客户体验和需要,将顾客视为最终消费者的企业-顾客互动式创新模式已经难以满足消费类电子技术高速创新的需要。提出顾客嵌入式开放创新的概念和内涵,并对消费类电子信息产品顾客嵌入式开放创新过程和创新价值生成过程进行剖析,有助于探究顾客嵌入技术创新的轨迹,以期为相关产业开放式技术创新提供参考。 More and more consuming electronic information product companies focus on customers experience in the inno- vative process and choose open innovative models to fit customer needs. The businesses and customer interactive innovation model which treats consumers as the final consumer is barely to meet the high speed of consuming electronics information technology innovation. In the paper, the concept and content of embedded customers open innovation is proposed, and the consumer embedded open innovation process of consuming electronics and information technology products and its value generation process is explored, which will help exploring the trajectory of embedded innovation in order to provide a refer- ence to open technology innovation for related industries.
作者 许爱萍
出处 《科技管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期107-111,共5页 Science and Technology Management Research
基金 天津社会科学院青年研究课题"消费者嵌入式开放创新价值生成过程研究"(15YQN-04)
关键词 消费类电子信息产品 嵌入式 开放式创新 价值 consuming electronic information products embedded type open innovation value
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