
新产品开发团队时间压力、自省性与创新绩效 被引量:18

Research on the Relationships among Time Pressure, Reflexivity and Performance in NPD Teams
摘要 新产品开发团队创新绩效的高低直接关系到企业能否在激烈的市场竞争中取得优势地位。基于"心理感知—行为—结果"视角,检验了新产品开发团队中时间压力与创新绩效之间的关系,探讨了团队自省性对创新绩效所起的作用,并研究了环境不确定性在团队自省性与创新绩效关系中的作用。通过对98个新产品开发团队的数据进行实证分析,研究结果表明,新产品开发团队的时间压力与团队创新绩效之间存在倒U型相关关系,过高的时间压力对创新绩效会产生不利的影响,团队自省性能够提高团队的创新绩效,环境不确定性调节了团队自省性与创新绩效的关系。 The innovation performance of NPD teams is directly related to whether a firm can achieve and keep competitive advantage in the market. Drawing on 'psychological perception-behavior-result' perspective, we explore how time pressure and team reflexivity influence innovation performance. In addition, we also examine what a role environment uncertainty plays in the team reflexivity-team performance link. Through examining the data of98 NPD teams, research results show that time pressure has an inverse-U relationship with innovation performance. Team reflexivity has a positive effect on innovation performance, and environment uncertainty moderates the relationship between team reflexivity and innovation performance. This research has certain practical implications for the improvement of performance in NPD teams.
作者 马永远
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期139-148,共10页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 时间压力 团队自省性 创新绩效 环境不确定性 time pressure team reflexivity innovation performance environment uncertainty
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