目的:了解妊娠早期人工流产前女性阴道常见病原体感染状况及临床症状。方法:对2013年在天津医科大学第二医院就诊的2 270例妊娠早期人工流产前妇女取阴道后穹窿分泌物,用细菌性阴道病检测试剂盒及阴道分泌物涂片镜检进行检测,同时询问患者并观察患者外阴、阴道及宫颈情况,记录是否有临床症状。结果:在2 270例患者中,细菌性阴道病阳性897例(39.52%),其中有临床症状者532例(59.31%);外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病122例(5.37%),其中有临床症状者96例(78.69%);滴虫性阴道炎65例(2.86%),有临床症状者47例(72.31%);其中细菌性阴道病合并外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病、细菌性阴道病合并滴虫性阴道炎的检出率分别为4.23%(96/2 270)和2.34%(53/2 270),3种病原体同时检出率为0.93%(21/2 270),合并感染者均有临床症状。结论:部分妊娠早期人工流产前女性阴道感染病原体状态下可能无症状,因此做好人工流产前常见病原体筛查有助于预防术后感染。
Objective:To analyze the infection of common vagina pathogens and the clinical symptoms in those women with early pregnancy before abortion. Methods:A total of 2 270 women with early pregnancy were asked to test the vagina common pathogens of vaginal secretion before abortion in our hospital in 2013, using the bacterial vaginosis detection kit and vaginal secretions smear. The clinical symptoms, and the conditions of vulva, vagina and cervix, were recorded. Results:There were 897 cases(39.52%) with positive bacterial vaginosis, 532 cases (59.31%) with positive clinical symptoms among them. There were 122 cases (5.37%) with candida vaginitis,96 case (78.69%) with positive symptoms among them. There were 65 cases (2.86%) with trichomonas vaginitis, 47 cases (72.31%) with positive symptoms. The infection rate of bacterial vaginosis combined with candida or trichomonas was 4.23% (96/2 270) or 2.34% (53/2 270), while the infection rate of three pathogens was 0.93% (21/2 270). All cases with coinfection had positive symptoms. Conclusions:Part of vaginal infections in those women with early pregnancy may be asymptomatic, which suggests that the common pathogens should be tested before abortion so as to prevent the postoperative infection.
Journal of International Reproductive Health/Family Planning