
微量明胶颗粒凝集试验检测干血斑HIV-1抗体方法的建立与评价 被引量:6

Establishment and evaluation of micro gelatin particle agglutination test for detection of HIV-1 antibodies in dry blood spots
摘要 目的建立微量明胶颗粒凝集试验检测滤纸片干血斑HIV-1抗体的方法,评价其敏感性和特异性。方法采集某吸毒哨点106份全血样本,制成滤纸片干血斑样本和血清样本;摸索微量明胶颗粒凝集试验中抗原明胶颗粒最佳稀释倍比;比较微量明胶颗粒凝集试验检测滤纸片干血斑和ELISA检测血清HIV-1抗体的结果。结果微量明胶颗粒凝集试验检测滤纸片干血斑HIV-1抗体的结果与ELISA检测血清HIV-1抗体的结果一致。结论微量明胶颗粒凝集试验检测滤纸片干血斑HIV-1抗体的方法,可信度较高、操作简便成本低,为大规模开展HIV-1流行病学调查提供了另一种良好的实验室方法。 Objective To set up micro gelatin particle agglutination test for detection of HIV-1 antibodies in dry blood spots, evaluate its sensitivity and specificity. Methods The 106 whole blood samples was achieved and made of dried blood spots and serum samples. The suitable antigen gelatin granules dilution times was detected, and the micro gelatin particle agglutination test for detection of HIV-1 antibodies in dry blood spots was compared with the serum HIV-1 antibodies by ELISA. Results The results of micro gelatin particle agglutination test detecting HIV-1 anti- bodies in dry blood spots is consistent with the results of ELISA to detect HIV-1 antibodies in serum. Conclusion Micro gelatin particle agglutination test for detection of HIV- 1 antibodies in dry blood spots have high reliability, easy operation and low cost, which provide a good laboratory methods for a large-scale HIV epidemiological survey.
出处 《皮肤病与性病》 2015年第1期6-8,共3页 Dermatology and Venereology
关键词 微量明胶颗粒凝集试验 滤纸片干血斑 HIV-1 评价 Micro gelatin particle agglutination test Dry blood spots HIV-1 Evaluation
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