1RachelHolms, "Blood on the Tracks" , in The New Statesman, Aug. 29-Sept.4 (2014) , p.43.
2IsabelBird, "State put on literary map" , in The Examiner Newspaper (NorthTasmania) .17 Oct. 2014, p.4.
3Roslyn Sulacas, "Man Booker Prize Shortlist Announced" , in The New York Times, 10 Sept. 2014, p3.
4Patrick Flanery, "Between the acts. An heir to Virginia Woolf, Ali Smith subtly but surely reinvents the novel" , in The Daily Telegraph, 30 Aug,2014, p.13.
5Sarah Lyall, "Comic? Yes. Dark? That too. the Booker Prize winner says he aspires to be 'the Jewish Jane Austen'" , in ThelnternationalHeraldTribune, 21 Oct. 2010, p.10.
6Derwent May, "A threat to the celebration of our great literary traditions, " in The Times, 22 May 2002, p.3.
7Luke Harding, "Carey bemoans expansion of Booker prize to US authors" , in The Guardian, 14 October 2014, p.1.
8"BBC News . 'A surprise and a risk' . Reaction to Booker Prize" .
9Mark Brown. "Australian wins Man Booker prize with his 'magnificent novel of love and war' " , in The Guardian, 15 Oct.2014, p. 3.
3"The Narrow Road to the Deep North-2014 Man Booker Prize Winner", http://www.themanbookerprize.com/ feature/narrow-road-deep-north-2014-man-booker-prize-winner.