在计量工作中,委托方及检测方之间主要业务交流是通过委托单的方式来完成的,在过去的计量活动中,委托单基本是由计量检测机构填写和完成。针对委托单业务进行具体分析,设计并实现了一种基于B/S模式的可自助式计量委托单管理系统,可以让委托方自主填写委托单,检测人员审核通过后即可生效。在保证委托单中信息准确的同时,也能够大幅减少计量检测机构的工作量,提高机构工作效率。以Oracle为数据库支撑,基于SSH和Ext JS框架进行代码开发,确保了系统的稳定和高效。
In metrology work, main communication between clients and metrology agency is accomplished by service orders, in the past metrology test activities, most of the orders were filled and completed by metrology agency. For the orders launched by clients, the paper designed and implemented a self-serviceable system based on B/S to automatically analyze and transfer the orders to the related department to deal with, which the metrological inspectors can check out and approve the orders. The designed system can guarantee the order accuracy and efficiency and reduce the workload of metrology agencies as well. In addition, the system is devel- oped based on Oracle database and SSH and ExtJS technologies, which ensures the stability and efficiency of the system.
Microcomputer Applications