

Study on Inter-Metallic Diffusion of Palladium/Porous-Metal Membranes
摘要 金属基钯复合膜长期处于高温下会发生金属间相扩散问题,严重影响复合膜的使用寿命。运用化学镀的方法,在不同材料的多孔金属支撑体表面制备钯膜,然后对钯复合膜进行惰性气体保护下的高温热处理。运用背散射和能谱线扫描的方法分析、表征所制备的各种钯复合膜的元素分布状况,并且将金属基钯复合膜与 Pd/陶瓷复合膜相对比,研究前者的相扩散程度。结果表明,在测试的温度范围内(500~700℃),没有发现 Pd/Ti 复合膜、Pd/Ti-Al 合金复合膜发生相扩散现象,Pd/PSS(多孔不锈钢)复合膜经历700℃、40 h 的高温热处理后发生了严重的金属间相扩散现象。 Inter-metal diffusion phenomenon will happen when metal matrix Pd-composite membranes are under high temperature for a long time,which will influence the service life of the Pd-composite membrane.By electroless plating,the palladium membrane on the surface of the porous metal supporter with different materials was prepared.And the Pd-composite membranewas then heat treatment under high temperature in inert gas.Backscattered Electron Microscopy (BSE)and Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS)cross-sectional line scans were used to analysis the elements distribution of various Pd-composite membranes,and the diffusion level of the metal matrix Pd-composite membrane was studied by comparing it with the ceramic composite membrane.The results showed that there was no diffusion phenomenon happening to Pd/titanium (Ti) composite membranes and Pd/titanium-aluminum (Ti-Al)alloy composite membranes in the temperature range of 500 to 700℃,while serious inter-metal diffusion phenomenon happened when Pd/porous-stainless-steel (PSS)composite membrane was under high temperature heat treatment (700 ℃)for 40 hours.
出处 《石油化工高等学校学报》 CAS 2015年第1期31-35,共5页 Journal of Petrochemical Universities
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21206065) 兰州理工大学红柳青年教师培养计划资助项目(Q201304)
关键词 相扩散 钯复合膜 陶瓷 TI-AL合金 多孔不锈钢 Inter-metallic diffusion Pd composite membrane Ceramic Ti-Al alloy Porous stainless steel
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