An Evaluation Method for the Potential of Old Apartment Buildings' Rehabilitation in Brazil
An Evaluation Method for the Potential of Old Apartment Buildings' Rehabilitation in Brazil
The rehabilitation of older buildings for residential use that started in the last few decades of the 20th century has become recurrent in some Brazilian cities. In Sao Paulo, for instance, this subject is within the context of the revitalization of its downtown area with the reintroduction of residential occupancy in the region as a consequence of actions taken by public and private groups. However, older buildings were designed based on the technologies and regulations available in the past and applied to meet the lifestyles of the time of their construction. This paper presents a method for the analysis of older apartment buildings, diagnosing their strengths and limitations in adapting to both the new Brazilian regulatory and legislative requirements, and the contemporary domestic demands. Requirements, criteria and methods for evaluation were studied, and defined as well as procedures for the application of a method which allows for a physical and systematic analysis of old apartment buildings. It was found that the proposed method can be an important support tool at the moment of studying the feasibility of rehabilitation processes, guiding and providing grounds for the design and building decisions of the professionals involved in these processes.
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