
潜艇水下回转运动稳定性分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Motion Stability of Submarine's Underwater Rotational Movement
摘要 水下回转运动是潜艇常用的运动形式之一,属于潜艇转向运动的重要研究内容。回转运动过程中,潜艇受力复杂,容易出现分岔等非线性现象,潜艇运动稳定性变差。运用同伦延拓法、分岔理论和李雅普诺夫运动稳定性理论分析了潜艇水下回转运动稳定性,并通过数值仿真试验验证了分析结果的正确性和分析方法的有效性,为潜艇运动稳定性的研究提供了思路。 As an important part of maneuvering motion,underwater rotational movement is one of the frequently-used forms of a submarine. In the process of the rotational movement,the force acting on the hull is complicated and the nonlinear phenomenon just like bifurcation may occur easily which leading to worse motion stability of the submarine. In this thesis the motion stability of submarine's underwater rotational movement has been analyzed by using the homotopy continuation algorithm,the bifurcation theory and the Lyapunov motion stability theory. The correctness of the analysis result and the validity of the analysis method are verified by using the numerical simulation test. The thesis provides a research idea for the study of submarine's motion stability.
机构地区 海军工程大学
出处 《指挥控制与仿真》 2015年第1期74-79,共6页 Command Control & Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金(51179196)
关键词 运动稳定性 分岔 运动方程 同伦延拓法 仿真试验 motion stability bifurcation motion equation homotopy continuation algorithm simulation test
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