
组合轴承复合圈的设计与仿真分析 被引量:2

Design and Simulation Analysis of Composite Ring of Combination Bearing
摘要 为实现高造斜率井眼轨迹控制工具中主轴在旋转的同时可以弯曲,采用一个调心滚子轴承、两个推力调心轴承和轴承复合圈组成的特殊组合轴承结构,组合轴承中复合圈是保证轴承正常工作的关键部件之一,采用仿真方法探究这种新形式组合轴承的使用性能。首先进行复合圈的设计,确定其尺寸参数和材料性质,然后通过COMSOL Multiphysics仿真分析多组不同尺寸参数的复合圈承载情况,并进行对比优化,设计出承载能力满足条件的复合圈尺寸;最后对组合轴承的整体模型进行了分析校核,得出轴承整体受载情况,验证设计的轴承复合圈满足组合轴承使用要求。 To ensure the spindle can be bent while rotating in the high deflecting trajectory control tool,a kind of special combination bearing was adopted,which was assembled by a self-aligning roller bearings and two self-aligning thrust roller bearings.Before conducting simulation to study the performance of the combination bearings,it′s necessary to design a bearing composite ring.This paper analysed multiple sets of different sizes composite ring for simple optimization,to find the most suitable size of the composite ring which meets the carrying capacity.Finally a simulation experiment to the overall combination bearing model was conducted to verify that the composite ring can meet the strength requirements of itself and the performance requirements of overall combination bearing.
出处 《湖北工业大学学报》 2015年第1期73-76,共4页 Journal of Hubei University of Technology
基金 2013年省级大学生创新创业训练项目(104892013024) 2013国家自然科学基金项目(51275057) 2013高等学校博士学科重点科研基金项目(20124220110003)
关键词 组合轴承 复合圈 设计 仿真分析 combination bearing bearing composite ring design simulation analysis
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