
烷基胍开关控制循环涂料泡沫染色机制及性能 被引量:3

Mechanism and properties of recycled pigment foam dyeing controlled by alkylguanidine-type switchable surfactant
摘要 为实现泡沫染色中残余泡沫的回收和循环再使用,以四甲基胍和溴代十二烷为原料,合成并表征了开关表面活性剂十二烷基四甲基胍(DTMG)。DTMG在CO2的作用下,通过离子化形成泡沫性良好的十二烷基四甲基胍碳酸氢盐(DTMG·CO2),其发泡比为11.23,半衰期为126 s,可作为发泡剂应用于涂料泡沫染色体系中。经过涂料泡沫染色,残余泡沫中DTMG·CO2在80℃加热作用下,释放出CO2重新回复到泡沫性差的DTMG结构,实现了残余泡沫的快速破灭和回收。此开关过程循环可逆,涂料泡沫染色中涂料、黏合剂、稳泡剂对泡沫开关性及开关循环性影响不大,且染色效果良好,利用烷基胍开关控制泡沫性的作用,可应用于循环涂料泡沫染色。 A switchable surfactant dodecyl tetramethyl guanidine (DTMG) was synthesized by tetramethyl guanidine and bromododecane to realized residual foam recycle in foam dyeing. DTMG transforms into dodecyl tetramethyl guanidine bicarbonate (DTMG · CO2) by bubbling CO2, which is of superior foaminess with a foaming ratio of 11.23 and foam half time of 126 s and can be used as foaming agent in pigment foam dyeing process. However, DTMG·CO2 containing in the residual foam releases CO2 by heating: at 80 ℃ and transforms to the poor foaminess structure, i.e. DTMG again, which realizes rapid rupture and residual foam recycle. With the foaminess controllable property by alkylguanidine-type switchable surfactant, it can apply in recycled pigment foam dyeing process due to the reversibility of the transformation between DTMG and DTMG · CO2, little effects of pigment, adhesive and foam stabilizer on foaming switchable property and switch reversibility and satisfactory dyeing results.
出处 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期71-76,共6页 Journal of Textile Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(21174055)
关键词 开关表面活性剂 烷基胍 发泡剂 涂料泡沫染色 循环染色 switchable surfactant alkyl guanidine foaming agent pigment foam dyeing recycled dyeing
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