
论中国城市创意产业的模式转型——以上海杨浦环同济知识经济圈为例 被引量:6

Discussion on Model Transformation of China’s Urban Creative Industry —— Taking Knowledge-based Economic Circle around Tongji University in Yangpu District of Shanghai for Example
摘要 在传统城市用地分类体系和政绩考核标准的双重作用下,创意园区是中国城市当下创意产业的主要形式。园区模式所具有的明确而封闭的边界、自上而下的管理运营方式和以经济效益为导向的绩效评估标准,使其对城市的辐射能力和带动效应受到局限。通过梳理传统城镇化下中国创意园区发展现状,通过简化模型分析,发现创意产业"园区模式"的结构性缺陷:"园区"与"社区"的分离无法满足以人为本的新型城镇化对于构建和发展创意城市体系的要求。探索性地提出以社区为底板,以创意产业的经济效益和社会效益为导向,"政府-居民-企业"三者协同的创意产业"社区模式",并对其运作机制进行了阐释。 Under the dual impacts of the traditional land use category system and government performance assessment standard, "creative park" is the main form of creative industries in contemporary Chinese cities. With the limitation of explicit, closed boundary, "up to down" management and operation system as well as economy-oriented standards for politic performance ewduation, creative parks are deficient on spillovers and promotion to the city. This study analyzes the present situations of creative parks against a background of traditional urbanization in China. With that study as well as a systematic analysis on a simplified structural model, it finds out the structural flaws of "Park Type" of creative industries. With division and separation between "park" and "community" , "Park Type" is incapable to meet the demand of New-type Urbanization in China, which emphasize the importance of "people foremost" principle. This paper explored a new type of city's creative industries: "Community Type" . This type, which is based on the local community, and to the aims of both social and economic benefit, organically integrates the three components' dynamic of governments, residents and enterprises. At the last, this paper elucidates the synergetic operation mechanism which can contribute to the future practices of creative cities in China.
出处 《中国名城》 2015年第2期15-21,共7页 China Ancient City
基金 国家社会科学基金重大课题"国际创新城市构建与中国城市圈发展战略规划研究"(编号:12&ZD292)
关键词 创意产业 创意园区 创意社区 空间载体 协同模式 Creative Industries Creative Park CreativeCommunity Space Carrier Synergic Operation
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