
高校教师职业韧性的调查与分析 被引量:6

Investigation and Analysis on Career Resilience of University Teachers
摘要 采用高校教师职业韧性问卷(UTCR)对512名高校教师进行职业韧性调查显示:性别、婚姻、年龄、职称等人口学变量对高校教师职业韧性有显著影响。其中,男教师职业韧性高于女教师,已婚教师职业韧性高于未婚教师,31~45岁教师的职业韧性高于46岁以上和30岁以下的教师,担任院/系主任或学科带头人等职务教师的职业韧性高于普通教师,高级职称的教师职业韧性高于中级和初级职称教师。 512 teachers were investigated with University Teachers’ Career Resilience Questionnaire(UTCRQ). The results indicated that gender, marriage, age, qualifications, positions and so on had positive impacts on University Teachers’ Career Resilience. Career Resilience of the male teachers is obviously higher than that of the female. Career Resilience of the married teachers is obviously higher than that of the unmarried. Career resilience of teachers from 31 to 45 years old is higher than that of teachers aged over 46 and below 30 years old. The teachers who serve as school/department or academic leaders have a higher level of career resilience than the ordinary teachers. Career Resilience of senior teachers is obviously higher than junior or intermediate teachers.
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2014年第32期71-74,共4页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 广东省普通高校人文社会科学研究项目<高校教师职业韧性模型构建及影响因素研究>(编号:2013WYXM01 79) 主持人:曹科岩 深圳市哲学社会科学规划项目<高校教师职业韧性调查研究>(编号:125C067) 主持人:曹科岩
关键词 高等学校 教师 职业韧性 调查分析 university teachers career resilience investigation
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