
中国成年人群环境暴露装修行为模式调查 被引量:1

Environmental exposure survey of decoration behavior patterns in Chinese adults
摘要 目的了解我国人群室内空气暴露行为模式(装修行为),为更好地开展室内空气环境健康风险评估提供数据支持。方法对我国31个省市自治区直辖市159个监测点的91 121名调查对象开展全国范围的问卷调查,问卷中的装修情况是指居民实际居住的家中(指经常居住的场所,不包括其用于出租或其他用途而非个人居住的房屋)、工作场所(如办公室)的情况,包括粉刷墙壁或贴壁纸、铺木地板、购买新家具。结果我国居民居住场所近一年进行装修的比例为8.91%。城市地区居住场所近一年进行装修的比例为3.26%,农村地区为5.65%,各地区装修比例顺位为:华北>华东>西南>东北>华南>西北;我国居民工作场所装修的比例为2.33%。城市地区工作场所装修的比例为1.72%,农村地区为0.61%,各地区顺位为华东>华南>西南>华北>西北>东北。结论我国人群装修行为模式具有地区差异和城乡差异。 Objective To get indoor air exposure behavior patterns of Chinese adults, which will provide the scientific data for indoor air environmental health risk assessment. Methods The study carried out a nationwide questi6nnaire survey of 91 121 respondents from 31 provinces, 159 monitoring points. The decoration of the questionnaire refers to residents painting the walls or pasting wallpaper, timbering flooring, buying new furniture and both of them at home or workplace. Results The living place renovation proportion of Chinese people for nearly one year was 8.91%, and it was 3.26% in urban areas, 5.65% in rural areas, and the order was north China east China southwest China northeast China south China northwest China. The workplace renovation proportion was 2.33%, and it was 1.72% in urban areas, 0.61% in rural areas, and the order was east China〉south China〉southwest China〉north China〉northwest China〉northeast China. Conclusion There is regional differences, urban and rural differences in decoration behavior patterns in Chinese adults.
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期777-779,共3页 Journal of Environment and Health
基金 环境保护部项目[EH(2011)-07-01] 国家环保公益行业科研专项(201109064)
关键词 中国成人 装修 行为模式 空气污染 室内环境暴露 环境健康风险评估 Chinese adults Decoration Behavior patterns Air pollution Indoor environmental exposure Environmental health risk assessment
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