使用不同浓度多效唑(PP333)、矮壮素(CCC)、水杨酸(SA)结合不同浓度配比的6 BA和NAA以促进彩色马蹄莲无菌侧芽分化和生长。将用不同浓度的PP333、CCC、SA处理后的彩色马蹄莲无菌苗转入MS+6‐BA 2.0 mg/L培养基中进行增殖培养,结果表明:PP333对抑制植株生长、促进块茎膨大及芽分化具有明显效果,并以8.0 mg/L为最佳浓度。用含不同浓度NAA、6 BA的MS培养基培养经PP3338.0 mg/L处理过的彩色马蹄莲无菌苗,最佳增殖培养基为MS+6 BA2.0~3.0mg/L。
With different combinations of 6 BA and NAA ,the effects of PP333 ,CCC and SA at different concentrations on the growth differentiation of in vitro Z .aethiopicacv .hybrida were studied .After being cultured by PP333 ,CCC and SA at different concentrations ,the in vitro Zantedeschia aethiopica cv .hybrida .was transferred into the MS medium supplemen‐ted with 6 BA 2 .0 mg/L for multiplication .The result showed that paclobutrazol ,especial‐ly with the optimum concentration of 8 .0 mg/L ,had a significant effect on increasing the mi‐cro‐tuber size and promoting the shoot multiplication as well as on inhibiting the plantlet height and leaf number .In vitro Z .aethiopica cv .hybrida .treated with PP333 8 .0 mg/L , was cultured on the MS medium supplemented with NAA and 6 BA at different concentra‐tions ,with the optimum concentration of 6 BA from 2 .0 mg/L to 3 .0 mg/L .
Hebei Journal of Forestry and Orchard Research