
柿EST-SSR标记在柿属植物中的通用性研究 被引量:3

Transferability of the EST-SSRs Developed from Diospyros kaki to other Diospyros Species
摘要 公共数据库和柿转录组测序产生的大量EST序列为开发新的SSR标记提供了有效资源。我们在前期利用这些数据开发出112个EST-SSR标记,此次研究选用其中11个标记对柿属(Diospyros L.)15个种20份试材进行了标记通用性检测。结果表明,所有引物均能扩增出产物,多态性引物比率达100%,并且UPGMA聚类结果可靠,说明柿EST-SSR标记在近缘种中可以通用。上述通用性标记为柿属植物遗传多样性研究提供了标记资源。 The data of transcriptomic sequencing and growing availability of EST(Expressed sequence tag) sequences from Diospyros kaki Thunb. provide a potential valuable source of new SSR(Simple sequence repeats) markers. One hundred and twelve EST-SSR markers were developed explored in previous studies and eleven markers were used to amplify 20 genotypes of 15 species of Diospyros L. to assess the transferability and polymorphism. The results showed that all primers amplified successfully with the rate of polymorphic primer of 100% indicating that the EST-SSR markers developed from D. kaki could be applied in its related species. These transferable markers are useful for analyzing genetic diversity of Diospyros.
出处 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第22期5434-5437,5462,共5页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31171929) 公益性行业(农业)科研专项(201203047)
关键词 柿属植物(Diospyros L.) EST-SSR标记 通用性 Diospyros L. EST-SSR markers transferability
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