利用贵州省84个地面气象观测站1981~2010年日气候标准值和1980年1月1日~2014年5月31日逐日平均气温资料,对中国气象局2012年11月1日制定实施的国家气象行业标准——气候季节划分(QX/T 152-2012)在贵州地区常年气候季节划分和当年气候季节划分的适用性进行分析,得到以下结论:贵州地区常年气候季节可以明显分为无夏区、无冬区和四季分明区,无夏区主要集中在省西部地区,无冬区主要集中在省西南部边缘;常年春季和夏季最早开始于省西南部边缘,然后逐渐由南向北、自东向西入季,秋季和冬季最早开始于省西北部,随后逐渐自西向东、由北向南入季;1981~2013年逐年气候季节划分结果表明春、夏、冬基本服从正态分布规律,但春、夏入季日期整体略偏早,秋季入季日期不服从正态分布,异常偏早概率较大;通过对逐年入季日期异常偏早的成因分析发现,贵州地区季节交替期间气温起伏较大,季节内气温变化规律不稳定,且"标准"中对逐年入季日期判断条件中没有限定起始目的最早阈值,是该"标准"对贵州地区春、夏、秋入季日期确定偏早的主要原因。总体来说,该"标准"对贵州地区常年气候季节的划分比较合理,具有可适用性,但对当年春、夏、秋入季日期的确定存在一定的不合理性,不能完全适用于贵州地区当年气候季节的划分。
This paper is based on the daily climate standard value (1981 -2010 January, 1980 - 31 st May, 2014) of 84 meteorological stations in Guizhou province ) and the average temperature data (1st The standard of Climatic Seasonal Divi- sion (QX/T 152- 2012), formulated by China Meteorological Administration 1st November, 2012), is used to investigated the climatic season division in Guizhou. The conclusions follow as: Guizhou province can be divided into no summer zone, no winter zone and four seasons zone. No summer zone is mainly in the west of Guizhou, while no winter zone is in the southwest. The normal spring and summer start in the southwest, then the rest areas of Guizhou province. The normal autumn and winter start in the northwest, then the rest areas of Guizhou province. The result of climatic season division shows : the starting time of spring and summer are earlier than the starting time of others ; the starting time of seasons obeys normal distribution law, except the starting time of autumn. According to the analysis of the reason of the abnormally starting time, we discover that the temperature variability is notable between two seasons, the variability of seasonal temperature is strong. The main reason of the early starting time of spring, summer and autumn of Climatic Seasonal Division is the earliest threshold of starting date in judging the beginning date of the annual season. In conclusion, Climatic Seasonal Division is rational and applicable for the normal climatic season division in Guizhou, but there is no suitable standard of Climatic Season Division for the current year because of the irrational of the judgment of the start time.
Plateau and Mountain Meteorology Research
climatic season division, division standard, Guizhou, applicability