通过人工模拟沙门氏菌(Salmonella)污染蛋壳表面的方法,采用平板计数法研究3种温度和2种湿度对沙门氏菌侵入蛋壳速度的影响。结果表明,4℃能明显抑制沙门氏菌的生长,36℃储藏过程中沙门氏菌数量先增加后减少。相对湿度98%环境下蛋壳表面沙门氏菌数量比55%环境下沙门氏菌数量多。储藏环境为相对湿度98%、36℃时鸡蛋内容物中沙门氏菌数量在23 d后达到最大值,为8×107CFU/m L;4℃条件下30 d后未能在鸡蛋内容物中检测到沙门氏菌。
The eggshell artificially contaminated by Salmonella was detected will count plate method. The effects of the invasion of the eggshell by Salmonella under three temperatures and two humidity were studied. The results showed that 4℃ obviously inhibited the growth of Salmonella, while 36 ℃ inreased the number of Salmonella first, then decreased. The Salmonella count on the surface of eggshell under 98% RH was constantly more than that under 55% RH. The amount of Salmonella in the egg contents reached the maximum value (8×10^8 CFU/mL) after 23 days when 98% RH and 36 ℃ existed. Salmonella was unable to be detected in egg contents after 30 days under 4 ℃.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences