

Discussing the Incorruption Concept of Hakka Sages Deng Zuanxian——Research on Hakka Elites in Modern Times under the view of Population Mobility
摘要 中华传统文化糅合儒家、道家和法家等多个思想流派,推崇"行大道、民为本、利天下"的廉政奉公思想。从人口流动的视角来看,近代客家乡村精英大都注重用"为官清、做人正、办事公"的标准作为自身努力的价值取向。祖籍河源的客家先贤邓缵先虽然只是边疆任职的一介县吏,但却一生戍边为公殉职,始终廉洁勤政以民为本。他以铸剑为犁利天下的边政思想,在客家先辈的廉政史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。邓缵先在新疆主政的历史事迹,大多体现在他编著的两部史志及三本诗文集中,充分反映了中华传统文化倡导的"行大道、民为本、利天下"廉政理念。当前,在国家大力提倡"权为民所用、情为民所系、利为民所谋"的廉政文化之时,探讨近代客家乡村精英的廉政思想尤为重要。 Chinese traditional culture is made of many schools of thought such as Confucianist, Taoists and Legal- ists, which praises the law - abiding and incorrupt thought of "walking on large road, centering on people and benefit for all". From the view of population mobility, Hakka elites in modem times mainly paid attention to the stand- ard of "administering incorruptly, behaving uprightly and handling affairs justly" as their value orientation for strug- gling. Deng Zuanxian, as a wise man of Hakka whose ancestral home was Heyuan city in Guangdong province, in- sisted on garrisoning the frontier in Xinjiang and working incorruptly from the beginning to the end in his lifetime, though he took office in border area as one small offcial. His thought of " beating the swords into ploughshares to benefit for all people" kept back the indelible signet in the history incorrupt thought of Hakka ancestors. The deed of Deng Zuanxian heading the administration in Xinjiang was mainly reflected in two local chronicles he made and three poetic proses he wrote, which reflected the law - abiding and incorrupt thought of "walking on large road, centering on people and benefit for all". At present, it is very important to discuss the incorruption thought of Hak- ka elites in modern times when our country is advocating vigorously feeling bearing for the people, powers executing for the people, profits gaining for the people.
作者 何小荣
机构地区 嘉应学院教务处
出处 《嘉应学院学报》 2014年第12期17-21,共5页 Journal of Jiaying University
基金 广东省梅州市社会科学界联合会嘉应学院育苗工程项目(2012SKM09)
关键词 客家 邓缵先 廉政观 中华传统文化 乡村精英 Deng Zuanxian viewpiont of integrity Chinese traditional culture Hakka elites
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