The effects of protective agent, preservation method and rejuvenation method on Paenibacillus polymyxa C12's survival rate and production ability were studied. The results were as following, using 20% skimmed milk pow- der as protective agent, the survival rate of the strains in-80℃ preservation was 17. 3 times higher than the freeze-dr- ying preservation; In the-80℃ preservation, adding thehalose and dimethyl sulfoxde into 20% skimmed milk, the av- erage relative antibiotic titer increased by 4. 5% and 4. 1% respectively; In the freeze-drying preservation adding thchalose into 20% skimmed milk the average antibiotic production increased by 6.0% , and the survival rate in- creased by 5 times ; The strains preserved in-80℃ for six months, then separated and purified for three times, the highest antibiotic production capacity returned to 93%, and the average antibiotic production capacity returned to 80% ; Using resistance plate to separate and purify for one time, the highest antibiotic production capacity returned to 81%, and the average antibiotic production capacity returned to 45%.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis