Educational justice refers to the justice , legitimacy and rationality when people cope with some educa-tion problem under a certain living condition.Promoting education justice should pay attention to the dissimilation problem with the social context.Education alienation refers to the changing factors which appeared in education pe-riod with some extent and degree.The factors of education alienation can be mainly involved in these , such as , the alienation of school -running thought , the alienation of education purpose , the alienation of education manage-ment sprits, the alienation of education quality , the alienation of education academic character and the alienation of the relationship between teachers and students.Some main strategy to eliminate the education alienation and pro-mote education justice as follows:correcting the wind in the education industry zoon with the rules of the party strict administering; highlighting subtle intangible as visible as in our hearts and following the grandeur of the education laws; highlighting the subject status of teachers and democratic supervision function , making the teacher become the soul of the school and master.
Journal of Yichun University
the education justice
the education dissimilation
main phenomenon
coping strategies