2014第十届世界知名旅游杂志Business Traveller China《商旅》读者评选大奖揭晓,一如之前数年,《商旅》的读者,同时是中国的常旅客们通过此次票选,再次投票选出他们心目中提供最优异服务的旅游业者,包括航空公司、酒店、机场及旅行目的地,2014年的评选回复率为13.6%。
The results of selecting the best companies in 2014 in various sectors in traveling field among readers of the Business Traveler China, a world-famous travel magazine, was announced. Readers of the magazine, who are also frequent flyers in China, voted for the best companies in 2014 in traveling field, including airliners, hotels, airports and travel destinations. The feedback rate for the activity is 13.6 percent. Among the various prizes with the leading benchmark significance in traveling field, Air China wins the prize as the best airline in China.
Air China Travel