目的研究在小鼠颌骨发育过程中长链非编码RNA(lnc RNA)的表达谱变化情况。方法利用lnc RNA-seq测序技术检测孕18 d及出生后14 d的C57小鼠下颌骨组织样本中的lnc RNA表达谱差异,经对原始数据进行预处理达到均一化后,筛选出差异表达lnc RNA,进行分析。结果孕18 d与出生后14 d的C57小鼠下颌骨组织样本相比较,2倍以上变化并有显著差异(FDR≤0.001)的lnc RNA,确定为差异表达lnc RNA。2倍以上变化的共6617条,占所有lnc RNA的17.16%;2倍以上升高的共3720条;2倍以上降低的共2897条;5倍以上升高的共714条;5倍以上降低的共288条;10倍以上升高为共645条;10倍以上降低的共211条。结论孕18 d与出生后14 d的C57小鼠下颌骨组织样本相比较,lnc RNA表达谱发生显著变化。提示差异性表达的lnc RNA可能参与了小鼠颌骨发育的调控。
Objective To analyze the expression of long non-coding RNA(lnc RNA) in the jaw development process of mice. Methods lnc RNA-seq sequencing technology was used to inspect the difference of lnc RNA expression profile between C57 mice of embryonic day 18 and 2 weeks after birth.The lnc RNAs with different expression levels were screened out after pretreatment and homogenization of raw data. The hierarchical clustering and volcano scatter diagram analysis were performed. Results Mandibular tissues of the C57 mice′s of embryonic day 18 and 2 weeks after birth were compared. 6617 lnc RNAs showed more than 2 times difference(FDR≤0.001) between the two groups were recognized as lnc RNAs with differential expression, accounting for 17.16% of all lnc RNAs. Among thses lnc RNAs,3720 increased more than 2 times and 2897 reduced more than 2 times, 714 increased more than 5times and 288 reduced more than 5 times, 645 increased more than 10 times and 211 reduced more than 10 times. Conclusion In the jaw development process of mice, the lnc RNA expression changes significantly, suggesting that lnc RNAs may participate in the regulation of the jaw development.
Chinese Journal of Stomatological Research(Electronic Edition)