
埃博拉病毒的生态学 被引量:2

The ecology of Ebola virus
摘要 埃博拉病毒疫情正在西非一些国家蔓延,成为历史上最大的一次埃博拉病毒流行,在当地造成极大损失,也对世界各国的公共卫生安全构成严重威胁。本文介绍了埃博拉病毒暴发流行的历史和特点、在自然界的贮存宿主、传播特征等方面研究的进展,以及需要重点关注的问题。 The largest ever Ebola virus epidemic in the history, which is currently affecting some Western Africa countries, has resulted in major losses in the region, and is posing a threat to the public health of countries all over the world. This review summarizes the history of Ebola virus epidemics, the research advances in understanding the pattern of the epidemics, the natural reservoir host, and the transmission of the virus, along with issues that need further attentions.
作者 钟江
出处 《微生物与感染》 2015年第1期2-7,共6页 Journal of Microbes and Infections
基金 国家自然科学基金(31370183)
关键词 埃博拉病毒 生态学 天然贮存宿主 病毒传播 Ebola virus Ecology Natural reservoir Virus transmission
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