
运气学说之十干统运探讨 被引量:6

The Discuss of Ten Stems Commanding Transportation and Transformation of Doctrine on Yunqi
摘要 现行运气模式确定大运的方法可能有悖于《黄帝内经》原旨,应根据《黄帝内经》原文,引用术数学理论,探讨十干统运的原理及其推演方法:十干统运来源于天文星象,由横亘在两相合天干所在方位的气带颜色决定,而气带的颜色是两相合天干共同作用的结果,所以大运需由相合的两个天干共同确定,缺一不可,具体以年干与年支所藏之干相合来确定,若不存在合化关系,则以天干本身五行属性为大运。 Current Yunqi (five elements and six Qi transportation and transformation ) mode determines Dayun ( en- nialfive elements and six Qi transportation and transformation)methods may be contrary to the original purpose of "Huang- di Neijing" , according to the original of "Huangdi Neijing" , and quoted by mathematical theory of operation, to explore the ten stems commanding the transportation and transformation and its deduction: the ten stems eommanding the transpor- tation and transformation sourced from astronomy and astrology, decided by the color of qi lines ,which lying cross the two suitable heavenly stems, and the color of qi lines result from the two suitable heavenly stems, so Da Yun need to be deter- mine by the two suitable heavenly stemst and none can be dispensed with, speeificly determined by the the years heavenly stems and years earthly possession of stems, if there is not appropriately relationship, with the attributes of heavenly stems and five elements for Da Yun.
机构地区 浙江中医药大学
出处 《陕西中医学院学报》 2015年第1期11-14,共4页 Journal of Shaanxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 运气学说 十干统运 大运 术数学 天干合化 地支藏干 doctrine on yunqi ten stems commanding transportation and transformation ennial transportation and transformation mathematical operation the heavenly stems and earthly possession alloy earthly possession of stem
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