风险投资作为金融扶持高新技术产业发展的重要工具 ,属于高风险、高回报的投资行为 ,获利性退出是风险投资的最终目标。风险投资的退出机制是风险投资存在和发展必不可少的条件 ,便捷的资金撤出机制是风险投资成败的关键。风险投资的退出方式主要有首次公开上市、并购、回购、清算等。不同的退出方式其资本收益水平和风险性存在很大差异。
Risk Invest belongs to the investing activities of high risk and hing repay as a kind of tool that is supported by high and new etchnology. The withdrawing systen of high inuesting is the nesessary and essential condition of the existing of risk inuesting ,The convenient and quick withdrawing systen is the key for its success. Diffcrent types of witldoawing make the diffences of capical income level and existing witl risk.
Liaoning Financial College Journal