
森林碳库特征及驱动因子分析研究进展 被引量:32

Forest carbon pool characteristics and advances in the researches of carbon storage and related factors
摘要 森林碳库作为全球碳库的重要组成部分,在区域以及全球碳循环中发挥重要作用。森林生态系统有机碳库主要由3部分组成:活植物碳库、土壤有机质碳库和死植物体碳库。各碳库时空差异很大,使研究森林碳储存机制存在很大的不确定性。在全球或者区域尺度上,森林生物量(与森林碳储量密切相关)呈现出清晰的分布格局,但对于这些格局的驱动因子与地上生物量的相关关系和尺度外推程度尚有很大的争议。分别讨论了气候、土壤、地形和生物因子对地上生物量的影响;而后,从各生态因子与地上生物量之间的直接或者间接关系入手,分析了各因子与生物量之间的交互作用,认为目前运用相同的处理方式来研究环境因子和生物因子对森林生物量的影响是不合适的。文章最后介绍两种新的研究方法:层次模型和生境分类,以期用来重新评估生态因子对森林生物量的影响,有助于更准确的了解森林碳储存机制。 Forest carbon stock is an important proportion of the carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, playingan important role in global carbon cycle. Forest ecosystems fix carbon through photosynthesis and mainly allocate to three organic carbon pools: live plant carbon pool, soil organic carbon pool and dead plant carbon pool. However, the threepools show great spatial-temporalvariationsand cause a lot of uncertainty in understanding of the mechanisms of forest carbon storage. Forest biomass closely related to forest carbon stocks, despite some clear global and regional patterns, little agreement has been reached regarding the ecological drivers for these patterns and the extent to which they can be extrapolated to large scale. Therefore, how ecological factors influenceforest carbon storage and the relationships between these factorsare two critical questions. In this paper, (1) we discussedthe effects of climate,soil, topography andbiotic onabove-ground biomass, respectively. (2)Thenwe analyzedthe direct or indirect relationship between climates, soil, topographic and stand factorswhen AGB was considered. (3)We introduced two new methods,hierarchical model and habitat classification, to evaluatethe relationships between AGB and ecological factors. The aim of this paper is toenhance our understanding of how ecological factors influencing forest carbon storage.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期926-933,共8页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项资助项目(XDA05050204)
关键词 地上生物量 碳库 碳储存 驱动因子 Above-ground biomass, carbon pools, carbon storage, driving factors
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