
德国国家图书馆对流亡文献的获取与利用 被引量:2

Acquisition and Utilization of Exile Collections in the National Library of Germany
摘要 缘于德国纳粹政府的"文化清洗运动"和焚书事件,德国历史上产生了大量的流亡文献(1933-1945)。流亡文献具有较高的文物价值、文献价值和思想价值。德国国家图书馆半个多世纪以来一直致力于流亡文献的收藏、保护和利用。为此,德国国家图书馆建立了流亡文献收藏制度,长期坚持流亡文献采访,并启动流亡文献保护项目,同时通过编纂流亡文献专藏目录、策划实施流亡文献展、开展流亡文献学术交流,对流亡文献进行开发利用。流亡文献已经成为德国国家图书馆重要的特色专藏,拥有独立的馆舍,专门的采访方针,馆藏量大,具有国际影响力。 A large number of exile literature( 1933 -1945 ) are produced in German history due to the Nazis' cultural cleansing movement and book-burning. Exile literature has high value on culture, literature and ideolo- gy. The National Library of Germany has been committed to collecting, protecting and utilizing exile literature for more than half a century. Therefore, the National Library of Germany has established the system of collecting exile literature, insisted on the long-term interviews of exile literature, and started up the program of protecting exile literature. What's more, the National Library of Germany has also developed and utilized exile lit- erature in the way of compiling the catalogs on special collections, planning and implementing exhibitions and conducting academic exchanges. Exile literature has become one of the most important special collections in the National Library of Germany. There are large amounts of exile literature, which has its own reading rooms, specialized acquisition guidelines, and has gained global influence. 1 tab. 12 refs.
作者 何文波
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期88-93,共6页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 德国国家图书馆 流亡文献 流亡档案 特色专藏 The National Library of Germany Exile Literature Exile Archives Special Collections
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  • 3[4]Kurt Lewin,"Ich",Tribuene,No.5.
  • 4[5]Alphons,Milan's Begnadigung,Tribuene,No.1.
  • 5[6]Klewing,Der Kreuztraeger,Tribuene,No.3.
  • 6[7]Alphons,Unter gebrochenem Eise,Tribuene,No.3.
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