
温拌再生沥青混合料路用性能关键因素影响分析 被引量:25

Effect of Key Factors on Performance of WMA Containing RAP Material
摘要 为了弄清各因素对温拌再生沥青混合料(WRAM)的路用性能影响,选择3种回收沥青路面材料(RAP)掺量(20%,30%和40%)和2种类型(DAT和S-I)温拌剂,并就WRAM再生剂使用与否进行路用性能试验研究,采用方差分析关键因素(RAP掺量、温拌剂类型和再生剂使用与否)对路用性能的显著影响。试验结果表明,无论是否使用再生剂,随着RAP掺量增加,WRAM的动稳定度DS增大,最大弯拉应变εm及冻融劈裂抗拉强度比TSR均减小。使用再生剂WRAM的εm和TSR均满足规范要求;未使用再生剂时,仅RAP掺量为20%的WRAM的εm满足规范要求,TSR不满足规范要求。相同的温拌剂及RAP掺量时,与未使用再生剂相比,使用再生剂的DS减小、εm和TSR均增大。相同RAP掺量时,无论是否使用再生剂,与添加S-I温拌剂WRAM的DS,εm和TSR相比,添加DAT温拌剂的均增大。方差分析结果表明,温拌剂类型和RAP掺量对DS有显著影响,RAP掺量和再生剂使用与否对εm有显著影响,再生剂使用与否对TSR有显著影响。据此分析得出,针对不同路用性能指标,进行WRAM的配合比设计时需要考虑各因素的显著影响。 To expose the effect of different factors on performance of WRAM, the experimental study of the performance of WRAM using 3 RAP contents (20% , 30% , and 40% ) and 2 warm mix additives (S - I and DAT) with/without rejuvenating agent is conducted. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is performed to analyze the significance of the effect of key factors (RAP contents, warm mix additive types, and with/ without rejuvenating agent ) on the pavement performance. The test result shows that (1) the dynamic stability (DS) increases, the freeze-thaw split tensile strength ratio (TSR) and maximum bending tensile strain εm decreases with the increase of RAP content whether the rejuvenating agent is added or not; (2) the TSR and εm values of the WRAM with the rejuvenating agent meet the specification requirements, while the TSR values fails to pass the specification requirement, and the εm values of the WRAM containing 20% RAP merely meet the specification requirement when the rejuvenating agent is not introduced; (3) the DS of the WRAM with the rejuvenating agent decreases, and it has higher TSR and εmvalues in comparison with thosewithout the rejuvenating agent when the same warm mix additive and RAP content; (d) amongst the investigated pavement performance indicators of WRAM with the same RAP content, DS, TSR, and εm of the DAT WRAM performs an increase compared to those of the S -I WRAM regardless of the rejuvenating agent incorporation. The ANOVA result indicates that the warm mix additive types and RAP contents has a significant effect on DS, RAP content and using rejuvenating agent or not displays a significant effect on εm, and using rejuvenating agent or not shows a significant effect on TSR. Based upon the findings, the significant effect of the factors on different pavement performance indicators need to be taken into account in the mix design of WRAM.
出处 《公路交通科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期1-7,共7页 Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51308084) 辽宁公路重点科研项目(201201) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(3132014223)
关键词 道路工程 温拌再生沥青混合料 方差分析 路用性能 动稳定度 低温抗裂性能 水稳定性能 road engineering warm mix asphalt containing recycled asphalt pavement material (WRAM) analysis of variance pavement performance dynamic stability low temperature cracking resistance moisture stability
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