
美国的审前羁押必要性审查制度及其借鉴 被引量:28

The Process to Examine the Necessity of Pretrial Detention in the U.S. and Its Enlightenment
摘要 美国实行逮捕与羁押分离的制度,羁押必须由法官进行审查并作出决定。在美国,审前服务机构客观地收集被告人的背景信息并对风险进行量化评估,使得法庭的裁决更加准确、合理;保释听证程序的当事人主义提高了程序的对抗性、参与性、合意性;对被释放人员的高强度监管确保了被告人严格遵守保释义务,提升了非羁押措施的适用效果。借鉴美国的经验,我国的审前羁押必要性审查制度应当从以下几个方面进行完善:一是对审查程序进行诉讼化改造,建立符合本国司法实际的羁押必要性审查听证程序;二是建立类似美国审前服务机构的组织对羁押必要性进行调查,对释放的风险进行量化评估,检察机关根据调查和评估的结果作出是否羁押的决定;三是强化对取保候审的犯罪嫌疑人的监管,确保其及时到案并遵守取保候审的法律义务。 In the United States) the process that the judicial officer examines the necessity of pretrial detention is separated from arrest proceeding, in which pretrial service agencies play an essential role. Pretrial services officers have two main functions: investigation and supervision. The process to order the pretrial detention is a hearing, which both parties can participate, and the evidence can be presented. The well running of the law system above is an excellent example which China should learn from. In China, It is necessary to establish the hearing process when prosecutors examine the necessity of pretrial detention. In order to enhance the proper use of pretrial detention, special agencies similar to Pretrial Service Agencies in the U. S. are also needed, which can conduct investigation, assess the risk of nonappearance and danger to any other person and the community posed by the defendant, and provide reports with verified information on which to base an informed release or detention decision. Besides, we should strengthen the supervision on those released on bail, and ensure that the defendant can appear in court and not present a danger to any other person and the community.
作者 蓝向东
出处 《法学杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期103-113,共11页 Law Science Magazine
关键词 审前羁押 羁押必要性审查 审前服务机构 借鉴 pretrial detention the process to examine the necessity of pretrial detention pretrial service agencies reform and perfection in China
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  • 2[美]爱伦·豪切斯泰勒·斯黛丽、[美]南希·弗兰克.《美国刑事法院诉讼程序》,陈卫东、徐美君译,中国人民大学出版社,2002年,第138、138页.
  • 3美国联邦法院网站:http://www.USCOU:S.gov/FederalCou:s/Proba-tionPretrialServices.访问日期:2014年11月29日.
  • 4See Marie VanNostrand, Ph.D. , Gena Keebler, Pretrial Risk Assessment in the Federal Court, Federal Probation, Vol. 73, No. 2,(Sep. ,2009), p. 5.
  • 5National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies, Standards on Pretrial Release, see: http ://www. napsa, org/publi- cations.
  • 6See:Thomas J. Wolf, What United States Pretrial Services Officers Do, Federal Probation, Vol. 61, Issue 1 (March 1997), pp. 21 - 22.
  • 7赵秉志:《刑法总论》,中国人民大学出版社2012年版,第157页.
  • 8.《美国法典》[M].,..
  • 9刘超译,详见《羁押审查与替代措施》,2014年6月中美取保候审与羁押必要性比较研讨会书论文集,第13页.
  • 10《美国法典》第18篇第3146节(b)(A).












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