
偶氮染料废水处理方法的研究进展 被引量:10

Progress in Treatment Technologies of Azo Dye Wastewater: A Review
摘要 偶氮染料(Azo)是目前使用最为广泛的合成染料,其工业应用过程中对水环境的危害严重。本文总结了Azo处理过程中的主要方法和技术瓶颈,重点阐述了生物法处理Azo过程中的基本原理、影响因素和工程实例,最后对Azo处理方法的技术突破方向进行了展望。 Azo dye is one of the most used synthetic dyes, and the discharge of Azo dye wastewater is one of the most reasons of water pollution. This paper reviews the treatment methods of Azo dye wastewater and their technological bottle necks. Furthermore, the basic principles, influence factors and engineering applications of the biological treatment technologies were stressly described. Finally, the effective technologies in treating Azo dye wastewater were prospected.
出处 《山东化工》 CAS 2015年第3期144-145,共2页 Shandong Chemical Industry
基金 浙江省大学生新苗人才计划项目(2014R407020) 国家自然科学基金项目(51408171)
关键词 偶氮染料 处理技术 生物法 Azo dye treatment technology biological treatment
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