目的探讨肝血管瘤破裂出血的临床特点及鉴别诊断要点。方法对肝多发血管瘤破裂出血误诊为急性阑尾炎1例的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果本例因右下腹痛20 h急诊入院,按急性阑尾炎行剖腹探查术。术中探查示:阑尾未见异常,肝脏增大,肝右叶外下(第5段外侧)有一直径3 cm的肿块破溃出血,肝脏表面有多发粟粒样质硬结节,因术中无法确定肿块性质,予局部止血、冲洗腹腔、放置引流管,同时取少量出血肿块周边组织送病理检查,观察无活性出血后关腹。术后病理报告:肝脏肿块为退变肝细胞,其外有纤维素及炎性细胞,结合腹部增强CT检查结果明确诊断为肝血管瘤破裂出血,为明确出血原因,经追问病史及相关检查明确为系统性红斑狼疮(活动期),予丙种球蛋白及甲泼尼龙等治疗后病情好转出院。结论肝血管瘤(右叶外下)破裂出血可能与系统性红斑狼疮活动有关,且由于瘤体位置关系,临床症状与体征易与急性阑尾炎混淆,临床应注意鉴别诊断。
Objective To explore the clinical characteristics of liver hemangioma rupture bleeding, and evaluate its differ-ential diagnosis. Methods Retrospectively analysis of the clinical data of a case of multiple liver hemangioma rupture hemorrhage misdiagnosed as acute appendicitis was made. Results A patient with lower abdominal pain for 20 hours before admission was pri-marily diagnosed as having acute appendicitis, and underwent an emergency laparotomy. During the operation, no abnormal appen-dix was found, but a mass in liver with burst bleeding was found and the liver surface was full of millet qualitative hard nodules. Be-cause of impossible determination on the nature of the tumor, the patient was given local hemostasis therapy, and abdominal cavity was washed, then drainage tube was placed at the same time, some tissues surrounding bleeding mass was removed, and no active bleeding before abdominal closing was observed. Postoperative pathologic result of liver mass showed degeneration of liver cells, with cellulose and inflammatory cells, and reinforced CT scanning confirmed liver hemangioma rupture bleeding, but to define the cause of bleeding, a followed enquiry of history and related examinations were made before systemic lupus erythematosus (active phase) was confirmed. Gamma globulin and Methylprednisolone treatment were given and the patient was discharged after improvement. Conclusion Because of the particular position, patients with liver hemangioma (right liver lobe) rupture hemorrhage usually have atypical clinical symptoms and signs, which may be related to systemic lupus erythematosus and mistaken as acute appendicitis.
Clinical Misdiagnosis & Mistherapy
Liver Neoplasm