

Breeding of Leptin Receptor Gene Knockout Mice and Genotype Identification of Their Filial Generation
摘要 将瘦素(Leptin,LP)受体基因杂合型小鼠按4种方式进行配对,从子鼠鼠尾中提取基因组DNA,用PCR方法扩增LP受体基因片段,琼脂糖凝胶电泳后观察。结果表明,LP+/+、LP+/-、LP-/-各表型小鼠互交繁殖结果基本符合孟德尔遗传规律,且雌、雄性LP-/-小鼠(即DB/DB小鼠)无繁殖能力。雌、雄性LP+/-小鼠交配能高效地繁殖LP-/-小鼠;PCR方法能够精确地鉴定LP-/-小鼠。 The leptin receptor gene heterozygous mice were matedin four ways. Genomic DNA was isolated from tails and analyzed by PCR. The result showed that the ratio of the offspring genotypes fit the Mendel' s laws. The male and female LP-/- mice were infertile. It was efficient to breed leptin receptor gene knockout homozygote mice by inbreeding of the heterozygotes. PCR methods could be used to identify the genotype of the LP-/- mice precisely.
机构地区 普洱茶研究院
出处 《甘肃农业科技》 2015年第1期9-11,共3页 Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology
关键词 瘦素(Leptin LP) DB/DB小鼠 基因型 Leptin DB/DB mouse Genotype
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