4Miriam Fendius Elman, "The foreign policies of small states: Challenging Neorealism in Its Own Backyard', British Journal of Political Science. Cambridge: Apr 1995. Vol. 25.
5Peter R. Baehr. "Small States. A Tool for Analysis?" World Politics, 3, 1975, p.461.
6Colin Clarke and Tony Payne, eds, Politics, Security and Development in Small States, London George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1987.
7Robert O. Keohane, "Lilliputians' Dilemma: Small states in International Politics ", International Organization, 23,1969, pp.295-296.
8Jack S. Levy, War in the Modern Great Power System, 1495-1795 ( Lexington : The University Pressof Kentucky, 1983), pp.9-10, p. 13.
9Robert L. Rothstein,Alliances and Small States (New York: Columnbia University Press, 1968), p.29.
10Handel, Weak States in the International System, p. 36, pp. 68-69, p. 171 .