以±800 kV特高压直流线路导线选型为研究对象,根据导线的电气性能比选确定采用6分裂导线,并选取720-1 520 mm^2截面导线形成5种6分裂导线方案。对选定的导线方案进行了损耗小时数、电价、额定电流和折现率的单因素及多因素敏感性分析,得到电能损耗费用随着损耗小时数、电价、额定电流、折现率的增高而增加。同时采用投资增量平衡点分析方法,对比选方案进行经济性分析,得出典型工程条件下使用的导线截面方案。针对1 250 mm截面导线的不同型式的圆线和型线进行比较,得到型线的综合经济性较圆线差;铝合金芯铝绞线初期投资略低,综合经济性较优;中强度全铝合金线初期投资略高,当损耗小时数、电价较高时综合经济性较优的结论。
Taking the conductor selection of ±800 kV UHV DC transmission line as research object, the 6 - bundle conductor was determined according to the electrical performance comparison of conductors, and five types of conductor's cross section were chosen from 720 mm^2 to 1 520 mm^2. Single factor and multi - factor sensitivity analysis were carded out on the selected conductor scheme from aspects of loss time, electric price, rated current and discounted present rate. The results show that the power loss cost increases with the increase of loss time, electric price, rated current and discounted present rate. Meanwhile, the economic of each conductor scheme was analyzed with using investment increment equilibrium analysis method, and the cross section scheme of the conductor used in typical engineering conditions was Obtained. And then, 1 250 mm^2 conductors of round wires and profile wires were compared. The results show that the comprehensive economic characteristic of profile wires is worse than that of round wires; the initial investment of aluminium conductor aluminium alloy reinforced is less and its comprehensive economic characteristic is better; the initial investment of medium strength aluminium alloy conductor is higher; and its comprehensive economic characteristic is better when loss time and electric price keep high level.
Electric Power Construction
国家电网公司科技项目(GCB 12201301725)