IAA 2014展出了一众世界级商用车制造商的前沿产品,在已经投入实际应用的新车型中,雷诺新长途重卡T系列是最引人注目的一款——展车风挡玻璃上的国际年度卡车(2015 International Truck of the Year)标志显示着这款来自法国重卡的不俗实力。
The winner of 2015 IToY,Renault Trucks T is a unique,modular vehicle from the new Long Distance range,with a spacious,highly aerodynamic cab.Offering the perfect compromise between fuel savings and life on board,it has been designed as a tool serving both driver and haulier- so both can do their jobs as effectively and efficiently as possible.
Commercial Vehicle