
欧盟职业教育与培训中创业教育的特征与发展趋势 被引量:1

Analysis on the Characteristics and Development Trends of Entrepreneurship Education in Vocational Education and Training in European Union
摘要 欧盟职业教育与培训中创业教育的开展被认为是破解失业难题、提升创业人数、提升欧洲竞争力的重要途径,其特征主要表现在内涵理解、战略先行、政策支持、独立与嵌入式课程以及与企业紧密联系等方面。随着时代的发展,欧盟职业教育与培训中创业教育将呈现如下趋势:培养创业教育教师,提高创业教育质量;提高企业参与创业教育积极性;注重与其他教育之间的衔接,建立完善的创业教育体系等。这对中国职业教育中创业教育发展具有重要借鉴意义。 In technical and vocational education and training of European Union,carrying out entrepreneurship education is considered as an important way to solve unemployment problem,improve entrepreneurs and enhance Europe competitiveness.Its features include five points:understanding on entrepreneurship education,developing strategies,supporting policies,independent and embedded courses,closely contacting with business.With the development of times,entrepreneurship education will show the following trends.Firstly,it will cultivate teachers and improve the quality of entrepreneurship education.Secondly,it will improve the businesses participation enthusiasm.Thirdly,it will focus on convergence between TVET and other education,and establish a system of entrepreneurship education.Those will become an important reference for the development of Chinese entrepreneurship education in TVET.
作者 王莉方
机构地区 北京联合大学
出处 《职业技术教育》 北大核心 2014年第34期79-83,共5页 Vocational and Technical Education
基金 北京政治文明建设研究中心项目<城镇化背景下中国创业教育研究>(13RDS007) 主持人:王莉方 全国教育科学规划重点项目<面向区域企业集群的服务外包产学研合作教育机制研究>(DIAI100287) 主持人:黄先开
关键词 欧盟 职业教育与培训 创业教育 动因 特征 趋势 European Union vocational education and training entrepreneurship education motivation characteristics trends
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