This study investigated the volatilization kinetics of lead in pellets made of Zn-Pb-bearing dusts mixed with coal powder,in a nitrogen atmosphere and in the temperature range between 1 100 ℃ - 1 300℃ ,and showed that the reduction temperature has a significant effect on the volatilization rate of lead and that neither the particle size of the coal powder nor the extra carbon content has any effect on the volatilization rate. The obtained activation energy for the volatilization of lead is 88.74 kJ/mol. The volatilization rate of lead is controlled by both the lead evaporation reaction and the diffusion of gaseous lead through the gas boundary layer covering the surface of the reduced liquid lead.
This study investigated the volatilization kinetics of lead in pellets made of Zn-Pb-bearing dusts mixed with coal powder,in a nitrogen atmosphere and in the temperature range between 1 100 ℃ - 1 300℃ ,and showed that the reduction temperature has a significant effect on the volatilization rate of lead and that neither the particle size of the coal powder nor the extra carbon content has any effect on the volatilization rate. The obtained activation energy for the volatilization of lead is 88.74 kJ/mol. The volatilization rate of lead is controlled by both the lead evaporation reaction and the diffusion of gaseous lead through the gas boundary layer covering the surface of the reduced liquid lead.
financially supported by the "Joint Fund(project number U1260202)for Iron and Steel Research"built by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Baosteel Group Corporation