采用嵌入式技术及物联网技术,在Linux操作系统上开发基于Qt4.5的应用程序框架,结合Zig Bee(CC2530)硬件模块和Cortex-A8开发板平台,设计与实现一套基于Zig Bee车辆间通信模拟系统,其主要包含两个功能,Zig Bee模块的自组网架构下的数据无线传输功能和眼部状态识别功能。该系统不仅实现驾驶员模拟疲劳状态的实时监测,而且能实现车辆信息的交互等功能,具有实用性强、可靠性高等特点,有广阔的应用前景及市场前景。
With embedded technology and Internet of Things technology, based on the Qt4.5 on the Linux operating system, develops the application framework. Combined with ZigBee (CC2530) hardware modules and Cortex-A8 developing platform, designs and implements an inter-ve-hicle simulation communication system based on ZigBee, including two main functions:data wireless transmission and ocular status recog-nition resulting from the MANET structure of ZigBee module. The system not only supervises drivers' fatigue situation, but also realizes the transmission of information among different vehicles, with the particulars of practical, dependable and applicable with broad and promising market prospect.
Modern Computer