
白蚁的功能分类 被引量:5

The Functional Classification of Termites
摘要 "功能分类"根据功能特性对研究对象进行归类,是全球生态学(Global Ecology)的基本内容。本文介绍了白蚁功能分类的方法、内涵、应用情况及其与形态分类的关系。白蚁功能分类包括Abe的生活类型分类、Donovan等的食性分类、Eggleton和Tayasu的生活方式分类、Davies等的综合分类。目前,食性分类获得较多研究者的认可。功能分类与形态分类的关系较为复杂,低等食草木白蚁一般位于系统发生树的基部,其他类群在此基础上分别产生。不同类群食性进化存在由食木到食土的趋势。虽然功能分类在白蚁不同类群与栖境关系研究中已有较多应用,但食性研究新技术方法的应用还需要进一步加强,白蚁不同功能类群与栖境之间的联系及其机理有待进一步探索。 " Functional classification", a taxonomic method based on the functional characteristics of the target objects, was an important part of Global Ecology. In this review, the methods, contents, applications of termite functional classifica- tion, and the relationship between functional classification and morphological classification were briefly introduced. There were four functional classifications concerned on termite, including Abe' s life-types, Donovan' s feeding groups, Eggleton and Tayasu' s lifeway groups, and comprehensive classification, and among of which, the feeding groups had been widely accepted. However, the relationship between the functional classification and the morphological classification was still com- plicated, indicated that the wood and grass-feeding termites were located at the basal branch of the phylogenetic tree, and other termites were evolved from them. Therefore, termites could probably evolve from wood-feeding to soil-feeding. The functional classifications of termite had been applied in researches based on the relationships between different functional groups of termites and their habitats, but there were few applications on the research of feeding habits. The relationships and mechanisms among different termite functional groups and their habitats were worthy of further exploration.
出处 《四川动物》 北大核心 2015年第1期149-154,共6页 Sichuan Journal of Zoology
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20123204110001) 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2012816) 南京市建委、中山陵园管理局资助课题(200409) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目 南京林业大学南方现代林业协同创新中心资助项目
关键词 白蚁 功能分类 生活类型 食性 生活方式 termite functional classification life-type feeding lifeway
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