为获取城市隧道交通安全研究的眼动行为数据,随机选取8名驾驶人开展城市隧道实车实验。利用Tobii眼动仪采集驾驶人在自由流和非自由流状态下的眼动行为数据,将前挡风玻璃划分为9个区域,运用Tobii Studio软件对区域中注视点数目和访问时间进行分析数理统计。结果表明:自由流状态下,驾驶人进入隧道前在左中、左下和右中区域投入更多的注意;进入隧道后增加了对中下区域的关注;在隧道的出口阶段,中部区域与中下区域的总访问时间变化剧烈;非自由流状态下,驾驶人的注视点分布出现上移和左右扩散的现象。
In order to obtain eye movement behavior data for this study, eight drivers were randomly selected to car- ry out the real vehicle tests. The Tobii eye tracker was used to collect driversr eye movement behavior data under free flow and non-free flow. The front windshield was divided into nine areas, and the amount of fixation points and visit dura- tion were statistically analyzed by the Tobii Studio software. The results show that in free flow state the drivers pay more attention to the left-middle, left-below and right-below areas before entering the tunnels, while they pay more attention to the middle-below area after entering the tunnels. At the exit section of the tunnels, the total visit duration changes dra- matically in the central and middle-below areas. On the other hand, the fixation points diffuse around under the condition of non-free flow.
Journal of Transport Information and Safety