提出了1个经济可运作的实时动态节能减碳计算模型,用KPI来评估节能减碳效果,运作方式如下:配备GPS装置之实验车,后端软件自动动态搭配Google Map与路径图资之起讫点(A→B)来回一趟,才量该车之耗油量,由行前预估值、旅行时间、动态交通事件与实际油耗值之误差分析,在实时交通信息协助下选定之KPI(key performance index)值(含油耗、CO2排放量、道路等级、旅行时间及ETC(electronic toll collection)费用等)做比较。搜集对应环保路径之路网交通信息数据及交通信息建立历史数据库,配合时速/油耗表完成油耗/碳排放系统数据库,得出实时交通信息占比与油耗预估误差率关系图。
This paper proposes a cost-effective operational tool with database demo system at KPI (Key Perform- ance Index) for eco-driving with given instant information help before journey. Equipped with GPS device's vehicles, and with back-end software cooperated with Google map, a geographical information system (GIS) is designed to measure fuel consumption based on the pre-selected points from A to B. The paper starts from selected journey with instant traffic info help to reduce fuel consumption, CO2 emission at traveling-time, dynamic traffic events and actual fuel consumption for error analysis. The errors with the selected KPI (including fuel consumption, CO2 emission, road-level, traveling time and ETC fee, etc. ) is collected to obtain the error rate relationship from the ratio of real instant traffic information and fuel consumption prediction.
Journal of Transport Information and Safety