

Surface Similarity Effect and Shared Labels Effect for Children's Numerical Development
摘要 为考察表面相似性与标签效应对3~6岁儿童数概念发展的影响,采取等量匹配任务和数量比较任务考察儿童数概念的发展情况,并通过给数取物,给物取数和等量匹配与数量比较任务的关系考察儿童使用数字标签的能力对儿童数概念形成与发展的影响。结果表明:5岁儿童基本可以完成等量匹配和数量比较任务;表面相似性效应与儿童数概念的发展没有显著的相关;数字标签能够促进儿童数概念的发展。 This study explored how surface similarity effect and shared labels effect influenced the performance of children aged 3 to 6 on the numerical equivalence task and numerical comparison task ,and adopted give‐objects task and give‐a‐num‐ber task to examine how the ability to use numerical label affected the development of number concept of children .The result shown that :the 5‐year‐old children can basically accomplish the numerical equivalence task and numerical comparison task ;no significant correlation was found between surface similarity effect and the development of children ’s number concept ;the development of children’s number concept could be promoted by numerical label .
出处 《牡丹江师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期128-131,共4页 Journal of Mudanjiang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2014年度福建省社会科学规划项目(2014B069)
关键词 数概念 表面相似性 标签效应 number concepts surface similarity effect shared labels effect
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