
Nature Index对科技创新评价的意义与思考 被引量:15

Thoughts on significance of scientific innovation evaluation based on Nature Index
摘要 【目的】综合分析英国自然出版集团(NPG)提出的"自然指数(NI)",为我国科技期刊评价提供借鉴。【方法】基于NI统计数据及方法,重点对其加权分数式计量(WFC)的年变化率、数据排名和学科对比等进行分析。【结果】发展中国家科研创新产出增幅最大、美国和中国科学院分别为科研创新产出最多的国家和研究机构、WFC排名前六的国家和科研机构具学科发展差异性、亚洲主要国家以国内合作为主。【结论】NI从全新视角对比分析各国家/地区和科研机构/大学的创新趋势、创新能力、优势学科和合作潜力等,发现NI仅考虑论文发表期刊和大学科发展方向、自然子刊占比过大、大型科研机构占优势、缺乏论文评价和学者贡献程度等,对真正的科研创新质量尚缺乏检验。 [Purpose] The nature index (NI) is proposed by Nature Publication Grouping recently. [ Methodology] Synthetic analyses, especially the WFC annual changes, data rankings and subject comparisons, have been done based on the NI datum, in order to provide references for scientific journal evaluations in China. [ Findings] It indicates that the developing countries have a highest annual growth on high quality research, USA and Chinese Academy of Sciences are the best on high quality research when considering different countries and institutions separately, the top six countries and institutes of WFC have a differentiation of the subjects, the Asian countries are mainly the inter cooperation. ~ Conclusions] We suppose that the NI can compare/analyze the innovation trend, capability, advantage subject and cooperation potential of different countries and/or institutions from a perfect new point of view. However, the NI has some limitations, such as paying too much attention on the development direction of general subjects, the sub publication of Nature owing a more percentage, the large-scale institutions having a higher advantage, lack of the article and the scientist contribution evaluations, and is short of examination of high quality research.
出处 《中国科技期刊研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期191-197,共7页 Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals
关键词 自然指数(NI) 文章计量(AC) 分数式计量(FC) 加权分数式计量(WFC) 科技创新产出 Nature index (NI) Article count ( AC ) Fractional count ( FC ) Weighted fractional count ( WFC ) High-quality research
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